Halloween at Coal County Hospital
Read moreCandidates interested in filing for the Coalgate City Council or a seat on the Coalgate, Cottonwood or Tupelo Board of Education will file Declarations of Candidacy beginning Monday, December 2.
Read moreA contest inviting all employees of Coal county to enter a pumpkin decorating contest was held the week of Halloween. There were 15 pumpkins entered in the contest and were on exhibit in the lobby of the courthouse. Those voting on the pumpkins were invited to pay $1.00 for each vote. Money raised was given to the Methodist church for their Operation Christmas event. The contest brought some very interesting and creative entries. Thank you to all those that entered their pumpkin and to those who voted to help with this project. Thank you for your support.
Read moreThe Christmas Holiday Season is fast approaching. Soon, if not already, Christmas trees will be going up and decorations on the inside and outside of homes and businesses. The Chamber of Commerce said that the Christmas Season will kick off with a Christmas Decorating Contest for Businesses and also one for Residents for Coal County. Businesses and Residents wanting to enter the contest need to go to the Chamber of Commerce Facebook page and enter their address. The deadline for entering the contest for both categories will be Wednesday, December 11, 2024. The Winners of the Business Christmas Decorating Contest and the Residential Decorating Contest will be announced and plaques given on Saturday, December 14, 2024 @ the Christmas Parade.
Read moreKristy Franklin, 46, Coalgate, was charged November 13 with felony assault and battery on a police officer.
Read moreThe Rural Health Association of Oklahoma recognized Rick Chaney and Trent Bourland last week for their work in rural health. Chaney received the “Rural Health Lifetime Achievement” award and Bourland received the “Rural Health Advocate of the Year” award at the Awards Reception during the 2024 Oklahoma Rural Health Conference in Tulsa, Okla.
Read moreThe effort to become a Purple Heart City began when Steve Byrd approached the City Manager with the idea of Coalgate becoming a Purple Heart City. Jackie Holt, City Manager pursued his request. On August 26,2024 members of the City Council were part of the Proclamation proclaiming the City Council and all the Citizens of Coalgate as a city that appreciates the sacrifices the Purple Heart recipients made in defending our freedoms and acknowledge those men and women for their courage by showing our support and honor.
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